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Daily SEL Practices (for Kids)

2 - 5 Minute Mindfulness Activities​
- Mood Meter sharing (above)
- Breathing Activities (above)
- Guided Meditation (YouTube these)
- Stretching (stand and stretch / sit and stretch / body wiggling)
- Drawing / coloring with quiet music
- Journaling
- 5 senses activity (what do you hear, see, smell, feel, and taste)
- C himes (eyes closed, ring a chime, & open eyes when sound is gone)
- Guided imagery (eyes closed; staff describes a scene and kids visualize this)
Mindfulness for Kids - website​
- "Mindfulness Activities" section suggests an appreciation practice, naming three good things
- "Guided Meditation" section provides a 4 min. meditation for younger students and a 12 min. body scan
GoNoodle > Breathe
Check out: "Videos" and "Activities" for both
GoNoodle > Flow and Steady
Cosmic Kids > Mindfulness for Kids
YouTube Channel
(31 videos - most around 5 minutes)
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